
Yes you can.

You are responsible for making sure that your guests know the code of behaviour for the hall and how to evacuate if there is a fire alarm activation. 

You must be in the flat while your guest is there and must never give your key/access card to the hall to another person. 

Please try not to bring babies or small children into halls and if they do visit, please keep a close eye on them and keep the visit short. Babies and children are not permitted to stay overnight in the hall. 

If you have a friend over to stay the night then you should let your flatmates know first and make sure your friend sleeps in your room and they are not left alone in the flat. Guests should not stay on multiple nights and you should check with the team if you have any questions about the length of time or number of times you can have guests stay with you.

Always chat to your flatmates to let them know who is visiting, that they are happy for overnight guests and you have introduced your guest to your flatmates.

Remember sound can carry, so if you have guests staying over, ensure that you do not disturb your flatmates and if you have more than one guest you might prefer to chat in a communal area of the flat or hall.

Further information about the regulations regarding guests is included in your Accommodation Licence Agreement and you can chat to a member of the team with any questions.