When you make your visa application, you should be able to choose where you want to collect your BRP from, and your visa decision letter will show the address for your BRP collection point.
If you choose to collect your BRP from the university, you can collect your card from the Student Centre at the campus where you are studying.
If you have chosen to collect your BRP from the Post Office, you will need to visit the Post Office stated on your decision letter.
If you collect your BRP from the Post Office, you must make sure to provide the university with a copy of this too, as this is needed under UKVI regulations and as per the conditions of your Student Visa Sponsorship. You can either take your BRP to one of our Student Centres to be scanned, or email a copy to the Visa Compliance Team who will be able to upload this for you.
You must collect your BRP within 10 days of arriving in the UK, or before the visa vignette in your passport expires (whichever is later). To collect your BRP, you must have with you:
• Your passport
• Visa vignette (in your passport)
• Your decision letter issued by UKVI
Our webpages include lots of useful information on collecting your BRP if you need any more guidance on this.