Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025

As part of the application, you will need to upload documents that are applicable to your situation; documents may include: 

  1. Student Finance England Entitlement Summary and University Payment Advice 

  2. NHS Learning Support Fund Payment schedule 

  3. Social Work Bursary payment award letter  

  4. Teacher Training Bursary Entitlement Letter 

  5. Evidence of weekly amount of Childcare Grant paid to your registered childcare provider – please download your payment history from the SFE Childcare Grant payment service  

  6. Fully detailed Bank/Building Society statements for the last 3 months for all accounts held by you and your partner: How to download online bank statements 

  7. Rent – Full tenancy agreement or recent rent statement, showing your name, landlord’s details and amount of rent currently paid. Evidence of payment of rent should also be highlighted on your bank statements 

  8. Mortgage – Mortgage statement and last three months payments highlighted on bank statements 

  9. Council Tax bill for the current year – if applicable 

  10. State Benefits - all pages of your most recent award letter or online payment statement for all benefits 

  11. Payslips for you and your partner 


 For full details please go to our website then click on the link to the application form.