Your working conditions will be set out on your Student Visa. If you are studying at degree level, you should find that your visa states you are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term-time.
Most students on a Masters programme will not have an official vacation period during the summer, as you will be required to work on your dissertation during this time. This means that you will be considered as in term-time during this time and should follow your working conditions accordingly.
The University's detailed academic calendar confirms if there is an official summer break for your specific intake. It is very important that you also check with your Faculty if unsure whether there is a summer break on your programme, and you are not working on any re-sits (if applicable).
Important: If you are a postgraduate student in the Faculty of Engineering & Science, and started your studies with us in January, it is essential that you speak with your faculty in the first instance as your academic calendar will differ from that in the above link.
Please make sure to check carefully before making any arrangements or starting employment to make sure you are compliant with your visa conditions.
For more information about working on your Student Visa, please check our 'Working in the UK during your study' webpage.