Pharmacy: Are there any pharmacy scholarships?
Sorry, we don't have any pharmacy scholarships but do check with the University of Kent.
Pharmacy: Can I contact a supervisor to discuss my research project in detail for Medway School of Pharmacy (MSoP)?
We strongly recommend you contact potential supervisors in MSoP.
Transfer viva: Can I contact my assessors to discuss my transfer assessment?
For feedback on your transfer assessment, it is important to wait for communication and approval from the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC).
Pharmacy: Can I do a pharmacy research PhD part time?
Doing a pharmacy PhD part time is definitely an option.
Employment: Can I work a full-time job as a part-time postgraduate research student?
We recognise the importance of earning an income during your study period. Please refer to Section M - Employment and Income Generation in our PGR Student and Supervisors Handbook.
Course information: Can I interrupt my studies as a Postgraduate Research student?
You can request an interruption by completing an RDA5: Changes to Registration Form requesting a period of interruption to be considered by the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC).
Pharmacy: Can I propose my own research project for Medway School of Pharmacy (MSoP)?
We recommend you get in touch with the Lead of Post-Graduate Studies in MSoP to discuss your research project, application and funding options.
Pharmacy: Can I propose my own research project?
Yes, applicants will need to propose their own research proposal when submitting their application.
Pharmacy: Can I suggest my own research topic?
Yes, let us know what you want to research when you apply.
Pharmacy: Can I suggest the topic of my research project?
The topic of your pharmacy research and all other areas of your PhD should be talked through with the Lead of Postgraduate Studies.
Employment: Can I work full-time if I am on a full-time postgraduate research programme?
Full-time students are expected to devote at least 35 hours per week to their research degree. Please see Section M - PGR Student and Supervisors Handbook for further information.
Training: How can I access the Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme on Moodle?
To find the Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme module, please log in to your student portal and select the option for 'Moodle' located on top of the page.
RETI: How can I arrange a meeting with a Training and Research Programmes Officer (TRPOs)?
To arrange a meeting with your facult's Training & Research Programmes Officers (TRPOs), please create an enquiry through the Digital Student Centre.
RETI: How can I get in touch with the staff at the Research & Enterprise Training Institute (RETI)?
To arrange a meeting with staff at the Research & Enterprise Training Institute (RETI), please create an enquiry through the Digital Student Centre.
Course information: How can I get an extension for my postgraduate research thesis?
It is possible to request an extension by submitting an RDA5 to the next Faculty Research Degrees Committee meeting. Please review this option with your supervisors and faculty support team.
Transfer viva: When should I expect to receive feedback for my transfer assessment?
Feedback from the transfer assessment will be shared following approval of the outcome by the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC).
Supervision: Am I able to change my postgraduate research supervisor/supervisory team?
We understand that there can be reasons for wanting to change your supervisors. To discuss this, please contact your programme leader or the staff in your faculty research office.
PULSE: How do I access PULSE?
To access PULSE, please sign in to your student portal and select the ‘Research’ tab located at the top right-hand corner of your browser. Scroll down to find the tab with the title PULSE.
Pharmacy: How do I find a supervisor for my pharmacy research project?
Contact details of potential research supervisors can be found online.
Course information: I am about to submit my thesis for examination, what do I need to do?
For information on how to submit your thesis for examination see Section F - Academic Regulations for PGR Awards, and Section L - Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook.
3MT: How do I register for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Faculty Heat?
To register for the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) please contact the staff in your faculty research office for more information.
How do I report/resolve a problem with my supervision?
Please contact your faculty research office to help you find the best way forward with supervision issues.
Course information: How do I request to change my mode of study from full-time to part-time?
If you are a full-time PGR student but would like to change to part-time, or vice versa, you will need to submit RDA5 to your research administration team for approval.
Course information: How do I request to withdraw from my postgraduate research programme?
We strongly recommended that you discuss your reasons for withdrawal with your supervisory team and seek guidance from the faculty’s support staff and the Wellbeing Hub.
Course information: How do I submit it my Annual Research Progress Report (RDA4)?
For information on how to submit your Annual Research Progress Report (RDA4), please see Section I of the Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook.
PULSE: How do I record my supervisory meetings on PULSE?
To submit your supervisory meeting record, log into PULSE and select either Record Supervisory Meeting for a full meeting, or Record Contact Touchpoint for informal catch-up.
Supervision: What happens if one of my postgraduate research supervisors is going to be away?
If a situation arises where a temporary change is needed, please arrange a meeting with your programme leader or a member of staff in your faculty's research office to discuss the matter in full.
Pharmacy: How is the postgraduate research degrees funded?
The university is paid to run postgrad pharmacy courses or you can arrange your own funding route.
Supervision: How often should I meet my supervisor as part of my Postgraduate Research Programme?
Supervisors are key to guiding your research project. To ensure you are receiving support, it is important that you have at least one contact per month and record the information on PULSE.
Course information: I am registered for a MPhil/PhD programme. Will I get both MPhil and PhD awards?
Registering on MPhil/PhD programme will provide you with an opportunity to pursue either an MPhil or a PhD. See Section E - Academic Regulations for PGR Awards.
Course information: I'm an international postgraduate research student and need to leave/return to the UK. What do I need to do and who should I contact?
You must consult the International Student Advice Service about any changes that could impact your student visa.
Course information: Is it possible to do a part-time postgraduate research programme?
We offer a range of full-time and part-time postgraduate research programmes at the University.
Course information: Does the university offer an induction day for new postgraduate research students?
We hold two induction days each academic year for postgraduate research students. Please check your emails for communications regarding specific details and dates.
Transfer viva: How can I get an update on my transfer assessment arrangements?
Please submit an enquiry on the Digital Student Center to get the most recent information about your transfer viva. A support team member will contact you as soon as possible.
Final viva: I have had my final examination, when will I receive my feedback?
Completing your PhD Examination marks a significant milestone in your research and academic career. You will receive an email notification within 7 working days of the date of the decision.
3MT: What training and support are available to help participants compete in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition?
The Research & Enterprise Training Institute (RETI) offer introductory sessions, presentation skills and one-to-one training every year. Details can be found in the RETI training schedule on PULSE.
Pharmacy: What should I do if I can't go on a postgrad pharmacy study day?
You must tell us if you are going to miss a pharmacy study day.
Pharmacy: When are my postgrad pharmacy study days?
You can find this timetable information online.
Pharmacy: When are the start times for PhD research programme at Medway School of Pharmacy (MSoP)?
Medway School of Pharmacy (MSoP) has two PhD entry dates during the academic year: September and January.
Course information: When is my Annual Research Progress Report (RDA4) due?
Your Annual Progress Report (RDA4) is due every year on the anniversary of your registration. Please see Section I - Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook.
Course information: When do I need to submit my postgraduate research thesis for examination?
The duration of your study depends on whether you are a full-time or part-time student, and the type of programme you are enrolled on. See section D - Academic Regulations for PGR Awards.
Pharmacy: When do pharmacy PhD research programmes start?
Pharmacy PhDs usually start in September or January.
Course information: When does my postgraduate research programme start?
Our postgraduate research programmes start at different points throughout an academic year. Please refer to section D of the Academic Regulations for PGR Awards.
Course information: When does my postgraduate research programme end?
Our postgraduate research programmes end at different points throughout an academic year. Please refer to section D of the Academic Regulations for PGR Awards.
3MT: When does the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Faculty Heat take place?
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Faculty Heats typically take place between mid-February and the end of March each year. Information about the competition can be found on the RETI webpages.
Course information: When is my Annual Research Progress Report (RDA4) due?
Your Annual Progress Report (RDA4) is due every year on the anniversary of your registration. Please see Section I - Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook.
Pharmacy: When is the next postgraduate research pharmacy student intake?
Find out when postgraduate courses start online.
Final viva: When will my oral examination take place?
You can find information about final examination process in your Academic Regulations for PGR Awards, section F, and Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook, section L.
Transfer viva: Where can I find information about the postgraduate research transfer assessment?
You can find information about the transfer assessment in your Academic Regulations for PGR Awards, Section E, and Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook, Section I.
Course information: Where can I find information about the Action Plans requested by the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC)?
For information on Action Plans see Section I: Academic Progress (MPhil, MPhil/PhD, PhD and Professional Doctorates) in your Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook.
Course information: Where can I find the Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook?
The can be found in your student portal by visiting the ‘Research’ page where you can find all your PGR core handbooks and a link to the Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Research Awards.
Course information: Where do I find the Research Degree Administration (RDA) forms?
RDA forms can be easily found in your student portal by selecting the 'Research' tab under ‘Forms’. Information on how to submit can be found on the last page of each form.
Course information: Who do I submit my Research Degree Administration (RDA) forms to?
Completed Research Degree Administration (RDA) forms should be sent to the relevant faculty PGR administration team.
Pharmacy: Which postgrad pharmacy degrees are running this year?
An online course search will tell you all about our postgraduate pharmacy programmes.
Course information: Who can I speak to regarding a Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC) decision?
If you have received a notification from the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC) and need help understanding the content, please create an enquiry on the Digital Student Centre.
PULSE is an online system that helps you manage information relating to your student record, training and development activities.
PULSE: What can I do in PULSE?
As a postgraduate research student, you will frequently use PULSE for various tasks, including recording supervisory meetings and viewing or booking RETI training.
PULSE: How do I log on to PULSE?
PULSE can be accessed via your student portal under 'Research' where on scrolling down, you will see the option for PULSE.
PULSE: Can I access PULSE using my mobile device or any other other electronic devices?
You can access PULSE from your mobile or any other electronic device. Please use your University of Greenwich account (username.gre.ac.uk).
PULSE: I'm experiencing issues accessing PULSE, what should I do?
If you are struggling to login to PULSE using SSO, please contact IT Service Desk at itservicedesk@gre.ac.uk or call 0208 331 8272.
PULSE: Can I view and print my forms?
You can view and print all submitted forms from their original initiation page. For example, the Research Plan Approval forms can be viewed from the Degree Management tab.
PULSE: Is there a draft mode option available for me and my supervisors when filling out the forms?
Your form remains in a draft mode until all parties sign. If changes are made before it has been officially submitted, you and your supervisors would need to sign the edited (updated) version.
PULSE: I am currently studying remotely and cannot complete all mandatory sections of the Induction Checklists, what should I do?
If you are beginning your research programme remotely, please create an enquiry through the Digital Student Centre.
PULSE: I have completed the Induction Checklist (Part A or B) but I am unable to sign it, what should I do?
If you are unable to sign the form after completing all sections, it is likely that you have either missed or answered No to a question. Please revise this with your supervisors and complete.
PULSE: Can I edit a form once it has been signed and submitted?
You can only edit a form prior to all signatures and submission. Once signed off and submitted to the Head of School/ Programme Leader for review, it is no longer editable.
PULSE: The RDA1a/b and c Forms are no longer available in the Research tab on the portal, where can I find them?
You are now required to complete the Induction Checklists and Research Plan Approval Forms in PULSE which have replaced the former RDA1a/b and c forms.
PULSE: The old RDA1a/b form included a section for proposing the supervisory team, but this section is not present on the new Research Plan Approval Form, where do I find this option?
The Faculty Research Degrees Committees (FRDCs) now require your proposed supervisory team to complete the Approval of Supervisory Team form after you have registered on the programme.
PULSE: What is the difference between Recording a Supervisory Meeting and a Contact Touchpoint in PULSE?
A supervisory meeting record is a summary of your meeting with your supervisor(s), whilst a Contact Touchpoint records an interaction with a supervisor or an appropriate faculty staff member.
PULSE: Why do I have to Record a Supervisory Meeting and/or Contact Touchpoint every month on PULSE?
Under the University’s Student Engagement Policy & Procedure you are required to record a minimum of one supervisory contact per month to demonstrate you are engaging with your programme.
PULSE: Can I book mandatory and optional training sessions provided by the Research & Enterprise Training Institute (RETI) directly in PULSE?
All postgraduate students can book most of the RETI training courses in PULSE by selecting the Student Development tab followed by Find and Book Sessions.
PULSE: I was invited to present at a conference and have participated in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Faculty Heats, where do I record this in PULSE?
Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme (PGRDP) Strand 4 and 5 activities not booked via PULSE should be recorded under Self-Record an Activity in the Completed Activities tab.
PULSE: How can I view my complete training records in PULSE?
All your training completions appear under the Student Development tab, either those that you manually added or those that you booked via PULSE. You can view all your trainings, conferences, competitions, in one place.
PULSE: How will I know when a form in PULSE has been officially submitted?
A form is Officially Submitted once you and your supervisors sign the form and submit it. Once a form has been officially submitted, it cannot be edited.
PULSE: When completing a form in PULSE, what is the difference between submitted and Officially Submitted?
A form is Officially Submitted once you and your supervisors sign the form and submit it. Once a form has been officially submitted, it cannot be edited.
PULSE: What can I do if I think my student details in PULSE are incorrect?
If you notice your personal details are incorrect, please submit a query via the Digital Student Centre with a description of what needs changing.
PULSE: Who do I need to get in touch with for more information on PULSE?
For queries relating to Single Sign On (SSO), please contact IT Service Desk at itservicedesk@gre.ac.uk or for general information about using the system, please contact pulse@gre.ac.uk.
PULSE: Why can I only see my mandatory training in deadlines?
Deadlines are items that require your attention before the submission date. Please remember to complete all mandatory training requirements throughout the duration of your programme.
Moodle: Where can I find the Recognition of Prior Learning Form (RPL)?
All postgraduate research students who hold work contracts, such as Teaching Assistant (PGRTA) or a JobShop will be provided with both a staff and a student login.
Moodle: Where can I find the Recognition of Prior Learning Form (RPL)?
The Recognition of Prior Learning Form (RPL) form can be found in Moodle under the Postgraduate Research Development Programme.
Training: What is the Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme (PRDP) about?
The Postgraduate Research Development Programme (PGRDP) is a comprehensive training initiative used to support postgraduate students during their time at the university.
Training: Which training sessions are mandatory?
Strands 1 to 5 of the student training programme are mandatory for postgraduate research students.
Training: What is the purpose of each strand training session?
Strand training sessions are designed to help you develop essential research skills, enhance your teaching and assessment abilities, and prepare you effectively for viva examination and professional growth.
Training: How frequently are the training sessions announced?
Training sessions for postgraduate research students are planned a year in advance. Check the Researcher Training Schedule for full details.
Training: I have recently completed a training session. Will I be provided with a certificate?
Once training is complete and your attendance recorded, certificates will be automatically generated on PULSE. For external sessions, certificates will be emailed separately and must be uploaded.
Training: Are there any penalties for missing a training session?
Prior booking is required for all events. Please arrive on time and give five days' notice for cancellations. Late cancellations may incur charges. Please contact RETI Training for further support.
Training: Does the university offer training on mental health and wellbeing for postgraduate research students?
The university provides comprehensive mental health support at the Student Wellbeing Hub, including free counselling, disability services, and training
Training: How can I register onto the Epigeum course?
Epigeum is an online platform offering self-directed courses for postgraduate research students. Links and details available on the Researcher Training Schedule.
Training: I am currently registered on the waiting list, when will I be notified?
If a spot becomes available, you will receive a notification from PULSE. Offers are given on a first-come, first-served basis and expire after 48 hours.
PULSE: How do I update personal information on PULSE?
To update personal info on PULSE, first change it in Banner. Visit the Student Centre with ID proof and your student ID number for assistance.