Can I apply for a student loan as an apprentice?
You're not eligible for a student loan as an apprentice but not to worry as your employer will pay your tuition fees.
Can I get a loan or other postgraduate funding as an international student?
International students can't get a postgraduate loan but do look at our various scholarships and bursaries.
Can I get a receipt for my tuition fee payment?
You can find your tuition fee balance by logging into your Student Portal.
Can I get a refund if I don't take my industrial practice placement?
Sorry this isn't possible, as the money you've already paid goes towards the advice your placement partners have already given you.
Can I get a social work bursary as an overseas student?
Sorry, social work bursaries aren't available for international students.
Can I get an extension if I can't pay my tuition fees on time?
No, under normal circumstances extensions are not offered to students.
Can I pay for my tuition fees in instalments ( using my maintenance loan) if I am not in receipt of a tuition fee loan?
The Student Finance Team can advise you about this.
Can I pay monthly instalments for my tuition fees?
No - the university doesn't currently offer monthly instalments.
Can I pay my fees through bank transfer?
No, the University does not give direct bank details.
Can I pay my tuition fees in instalments?
If you are an undergraduate student you can pay your fees in two instalments.
Can I see when, and by how much, my tuition fee charges increase?
Our Tuition Fee Policy will explain at which times of year your tuition fee liability increases.
Can I still get a student loan if I repeat a year?
It may be possible to get a student loan for your repeated year. Student Finance England (SFE) can confirm this.
Can I attend classes if I’ve not completed the ‘Tuition Fees’ action item in online registration?
Yes, we’d encourage you to attend classes before you’ve completed the ‘Tuition Fees’ action item in online registration.
Can my Greenwich Bursary fund be paid to my bank account rather than being awarded as Aspire credit?
The Greenwich Bursary is paid only as credit to support the purchase of resources to help your studies.
Can my sponsor pay my tuition fees by cheque or credit card?
We’re not able to accept any tuition fee payments by cheque or credit card.
Can my sponsor pay by instalments?
Unfortunately we only offer instalment plans to self-paying students.
Can you help with my fees if I am affected by major issues in my home country?
As international students you're expected to come here with the right amount of funding to cover all your tuition fees and maintenance costs.
Can I check whether the university received my tuition fee payment?
You can confirm that we’ve received a tuition fee payment on the ‘programme fee transactions’ section of your portal.
Can you please confirm my attendance so I can get my NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF)?
Speak to your faculty programme admin team about your LSF.
Can you please confirm my registration to Student Finance England (SFE) so they pay my student loan?
Letting SFE know will happen automatically unless your online registration is incomplete or your name doesn't match across our systems.
Where can I find my outstanding tuition fee balance?
You can view your outstanding tuition fee balance by looking at 'programme fee transactions' in your student portal.
Can you send me an invoice for my tuition fees?
We can only send an invoice if you have a sponsor/employer and they make the request on headed paper.
Do I get a bursary as a social work student?
You can apply for a social work bursary in Year 2 of your undergrad studies or as you begin your MA.
Do I have to pay to repeat any failed modules as an apprentice?
Paying for any resits is down to your employer and not you.
Do I have to pay to repeat my failed modules?
Yes, you will need to pay a fee to repeat failed modules.
Do I need to pay back any Tuition Fee or Maintenance Loans received?
Yes. You will need to pay back Tuition Fee Loans, Maintenance Loans and Postgraduate Loans.
Does the uni have a bank account I can pay money into?
No, but wherever your bank is, you can easily make a payment to us via the Convera tool.
Does the university offer any bursaries or scholarships?
We offer a range of Bursaries and Scholarships.
Does the university provide any help with living costs?
Students from the UK/EU are expected to apply for all mandatory funding that they may be eligible for before the start of the academic year.
How can I apply for student finance via SFE?
If you live in England, you will need to apply through the gov.uk website
How can I get advice on managing my money?
Budgeting tools and money management advice can be found on our website.
How can I get it corrected as I'm a home student who's been assessed as coming from overseas?
You can ask for it to be looked at but it will have been decided based on the information you gave when you applied.
How can I open a bank account?
You need to carefully choose a bank and make an appointment with your closest branch.
How can I pay by instalments now that I've paid my deposit?
Additional payments can be easily made online.
How can I pay my tuition fees?
Tuition fees are usually paid during online registration, through the student portal, or through Convera Global Pay.
How can I request a payment plan for my tuition fees?
Read the information about paying by instalments and contact the Student Finance Team with payment queries.
Can you confirm my attendance (resumption of study) to student finance?
Ask us to notify the SFE that you are studying again.
How do I apply for a refund of my tuition fee deposit?
International students can enquire about tuition fee refunds via the International Office
How do I apply for a refund of my tuition fees?
Contact the Fees and Funding team if you wish to apply for a tuition fees refund.
How do I apply for Bursaries?
Look at the website for a list of available bursaries and contact the Funds, Awards and Bursaries team with queries.
How do I apply for my refund now I have withdrawn from studying?
First, you'll need to read our policy to see if you are due a refund and then speak to student finance.
How do I apply for the Greenwich Hardship Fund (GHF)?
If you are eligible for the fund, you can apply online through the Digital Student Centre.
How can I claim for a fee refund?
To make a claim for a fee refund on a single module or complete programme of study, contact our Student Finance team.
How do I get my tuition fee deposit refunded?
To request a tuition fee deposit refund, please fill in the online refund request form.
How long does it take to process a refund of my tuition fees?
Refunds can take 10 weeks to process following submission of the request.
How long it will take for you to see my payment made via WU/Convera?
Payments on Convera/WU are normally visible within 3-5 working days.
How much does it cost to resit a module?
You won't normally pay for your first resit, but there may be fees to pay if you need to repeat a module the following academic year.
How much time does my sponsor have to pay an invoice?
Invoices must be paid within 30 days.
How much will it cost me to study pharmacy?
Fees for the Medway School of Pharmacy are given online.
How much will my course fees be?
Our finance pages have up-to-date fee information.
How much will I be charged to repeat my modules?
Fees for repeated modules are calculated on a pro rata basis depending on the number of credits to be repeated.
Should I notify Student Finance England (SFE) if I interrupt or withdraw from study?
Yes, you should notify SFE if there are any changes to your circumstances.
I haven't received the Greenwich Bursary but believe I am eligible, what should I do?
You should first check that you meet the full eligibility criteria.
I need a letter for my bank to release the payment for my fees, can you provide one?
The university can provide you with a tuition fees statement for your bank.
I need a statement of all my fee payments, how do I get one?
You can get a statement of payments from the Student Centre.
Can I request a copy of my transcript if I have unpaid tuition fees?
Outstanding tuition fees must be paid in full before the university can issue a certificate or transcript.
What should I do if I no longer work for an employer who sponsors my tuition fees?
If you no longer work for your sponsor employer you should advise us as soon as possible.
I need to speak to someone from the Student Finance team?
In order to speak to a member of the Student Finance Team, please visit this page Student Finance Contact Us Page.
I want to apply for the Greenwich Hardship Fund, what documents / supporting evidence do I need to provide?
You will need to provide the supporting documents listed on the back of the application form.
I want to transfer from Full-Time study to Part-Time study - will this affect my Student Finance England funding?
Changing your mode of study might affect your funding - contact Student Finance for advice.
I was awarded an international scholarship but it doesn't show when I do my online registration.
Scholarships should show on the online registration payment page.
I originally applied for student finance for another institution. Will you notify Student Finance England (SFE) that I’ll be studying with Greenwich?
Our Fees and Funding team will notify SFE that you’re studying with us if you send us your finance approval letter and student support number (SSN).
If I apply to study at Greenwich, am I eligible for an International Scholarship Award?
Eligibility for the award is assessed on meeting the scheme’s requirements and criteria.
I have withdrawn and would like to get a refund?
To work out how much tuition fees liability you will have and how much your refund will be.
How can I find out if my Convera payment has been received ?
You can track your payment through the Convera portal.
If I pay my tuition fee in full at the beginning of my course, will I be eligible for a 2.5% discount?
Depending on your start date, you may be eligible for a 2.5% discount for paying your fees in full.
I am partially sponsored by my employer- what do I need to do?
If you are being part sponsored by your employer, you will be liable for the remaining balance and will need to pay a minimum of 50% of the amount to register.
I'm interested in teacher training. What type of funding is available?
Please visit our webpage on teacher training bursaries for more information on available funding.
Major amendments are required to my thesis. Will I need to pay?
You will be required to pay full tuition fees for one year from the date of decision for major amendments to your thesis.
I’ve lost access to university services including my email and student portal – what should I do?
Please visit your nearest Student Centre for support.
I’m trying to pay my tuition fees through the portal but my card is being declined – what can I do?
We cannot accept payments using Amex or Diners Club cards. If you're using any other debit/credit card, we'd recommend speaking with your bank.
My circumstances have changed - can I be reassessed for the Greenwich Hardship Fund?
You must submit additional documentary evidence to support this change.
My employer needs an invoice to pay my fees, how can I get one?
Please visit our employer sponsor information page for more details.
My employers are sponsoring me, but I have received an email saying I need to pay tuition fees. What should I do?
If your employer is sponsoring you and they fail to pay the invoice, you will become liable for payment of your tuition fees.
I have not received my funding from Student Finance England (SFE)?
In the first instance we would suggest that you check the progress of your application with SFE
My studies are being funded through a continuing professional development (CPD) contract, through my hospital, or through my NHS trust, but I am being asked to pay fees. What should I do?
If your studies are being funded via a CPD contract, your hospital, or an NHS trust, please notify your faculty by creating an enquiry in the Digital Student Centre.
My funding is through Enhanced Learning Credits (ELCAS). Who should I tell?
Please forward your funding letter to the PAT team.
What can I do if my employer requires a purchase order number to be able to pay my fees?
For a purchase order number to be featured on one of our invoices, it will need to be included in your letter of sponsorship.
My programme is not authorised on the Enhanced Learning Credits database (ELCAS)
Please forward your funding letter to the PAT team.
My sponsor has not paid, what should I do?
If your sponsor fails to pay the invoice for your fees, we will advise you that they have 14 days in which to pay.
Is my tuition fee sponsor eligible for the prompt payment discount?
We only offer a prompt payment discount to self-paying students.
What should I do if I have no money?
We may be able to offer you a Short Term Loan.
I can't afford my fees, what should I do?
Please consider interrupting your study with the aim of returning at a later time.
When will I get my first student finance (SFE) payment?
The university issues an electronic confirmation of registration once a student has fully completed their registration.
Where is my refund?
Please wait up to 10 weeks for a refund to be processed and paid
What will happen if I don’t pay my tuition fees?
If you are an applicant, your record will be automatically withdrawn after registration has closed. If you are a registered student, we will contact you to arrange payment.
What help is there from GSU if I'm struggling financially?
Home students can apply for the Greenwich Hardship Fund, while overseas students can apply to the International Student Hardship Fund.
What is a ‘change of circumstances’ (COC)?
‘Change of circumstances’ (or ‘COC’) is a term used by Student Finance England when they require confirmation of changes to your details or registration status.
What are Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs)?
Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) provide financial support for disabled full-time, part-time, and postgraduate home students.
Can I request to change my fee status if I'm a registered student?
If you are newly entitled to Home and EU fee status, and have entered one the qualifying categories, you can request a change to your fee status.
What type of tuition fee discount can I apply for?
You may receive a discount on tuition fees if you pay in full at registration.
When are my tuition fees due?
Details of when to pay your tuition fees can be found on our fees and funding webpages.
When can I apply for the reduced tuition fees?
The scheme is open to eligible students entering their fourth year of full-time study or their sixth/seventh year of part-time study.
When will I receive my Greenwich Bursary?
If eligible, you will receive your first £350 in Term 1 (before 8th December) and your second £350 in Term 2 (before 8th March.
When will I receive the second instalment of the Greenwich Hardship Fund?
Assessments for a second payment from the Greenwich Hardship fund are usually carried out from the end of March.
When will my sponsor receive your invoice?
Invoices are normally issued in the month after registration closes.
Where can I find my Student Support Number (SSN)?
You can find your Student Support Number at the top of your university or college payment advice document.
Where do I need to go to apply for a maintenance loan to support myself?
You need to visit the Student Finance Government website.
Who can help me as I can't pay my tuition fees and am not able to register?
First of all speak to your course director or programme leader as you may have to interrupt your studies.
Who can help me with my money problems?
Find advice and guidance online.
Who should I tell if I am leaving my social work course but receive a bursary?
Tell your programme leader so they can complete the necessary paperwork for you.
Why am I being asked to pay full fees as a research student with a VC Scholarship?
Whether you are a new or current student we can look into this for you.
Why am I being asked to pay tuition fees when I have submitted my draft thesis?
We need to wait for your draft thesis to be submitted before we can ask for your tuition fees to be paused.
Why am I being charged for retaking some modules?
If you've been failed by the Board of Examiners and need to repeat some modules you'll have to pay.
Why do I have restrictions on my account (Fees & Finance)?
If you don't pay fees at the required time, this may result in restrictions being placed on your account.
Will an incomplete DBS or occupational health check affect my bursary payment?
Available bursaries can only be paid once your DBS and/or occupational health checks have been completed.
Why have I not received my maintenance loan from Student Finance England?
Maintenance loans are typically released by Student Finance England five working days after you complete registration.
Why hasn’t my Learning Support Fund (LSF) attendance been confirmed?
Often the same problems causes students to not have their LSF attendance confirmed. Contact the NHS to check this for you.
Why have I been emailed saying I owe tuition fees when I have withdrawn from my course?
You may owe the uni money depending when you withdrew from your programme.
Why have my paid tuition fees not been deducted from the outstanding balance?
It can take a few days for paid payments to show but you can track them online if they're not there after 10 days.
How can I track the progress of my International Scholarship Award application?
You can track the progress of your application by contacting our International Office.
Will I get a refund if I don't do my placement year?
No, a refund will not be given if you start your programme and decide whilst studying that you no longer want to do the placement.
Will I get a refund if I don't have a placement and therefore not enough credits to be awarded my MBA?
You won't be eligible for a refund as you will exit the university with an MA.
Does studying abroad require extra fees?
There are no additional tuition fees to study abroad.
Is there any financial support for studying abroad?
Funding is available for students studying abroad, including the Turing Scheme, Santander, and the Global Greenwich Scholarship.
What is the extra support Widening Participation students receive?
Widening Participation get extra fundings for maintenance and an extra travel grant.
How can I upload my bank account details?
If you have been awarded a payment from the University Hardship fund or a cash bursary or scholarship, the University will pay this by BACs direct to your bank account. To enable the University to make payment you will need to upload your bank details into the student portal.
How do I get a copy of my Student Entitlement Summary letter for the Greenwich Hardship Fund (GHF)?
Use your student finance account to view letters and statements from SFE.
How do I download copies of my bank statements for the Greenwich Hardship Fund (GHF)?
We have a guide on our website that might help you download copies of your bank statements.
Can I get support with my studies as an estranged student?
Yes, you can get support with your studies if you are an estranged student.
What is the Aspire Greenwich Bursary?
Eligible students will receive up to £700 to spend on textbooks and essential learning resources.
How will the government changes to tuition fees affect me?
Depending on your fee assessment rate and level of study, the government changes to tuition fee loans in 2025-26 may affect you.
Can I apply for the Greenwich Hardship Fund (GHF) without providing evidence of all my bank and saving accounts?
No. You must provide copies statements of all your bank and saving accounts that are in your name to apply for the Greenwich Hardship Fund (GHF)
What financial support is available for me to continue studying a postgraduate course with the university?
The University of Greenwich offers home fee paying students and Alumni with a £3,000 fee waiver bursary.
Why have I received a text about overdue tuition fees?
You will need to make a payment for outstanding tuition fees as soon as possible, or get in touch with the Student Finance team.