As an apprentice, can I apply for reasonable adjustments?
Yes, these are called Greenwich Inclusion Plans (GIP).
Can I choose who to speak to within the Report and Support team?
It is not possible to "choose" your advisor.
Can I disclose an incident on Report and Support on behalf of someone else?
Yes, you can. If you witnessed something that is unacceptable, you can disclose this via Report and Support and ask to speak with an advisor.
Can I disclose an incident that happened before I started uni via Report and Support?
Yes, of course. The Report and Support Team welcomes all disclosures.
Can I disclose an incident via Report and Support even if what happened to me is not "serious enough"?
Yes, even subtle incidents can still constitute harassment and can be disclosed via Report and Support.
Can I get mental health support without a diagnosis?
Absolutely, you can speak to someone whenever you need through our free Student Assistance Programme or self-refer to Student Wellbeing Services.
Can I report someone I am or was in a relationship with via Report and Support?
Yes, you can. If you believe that someone's behaviour was unacceptable, it does not matter whether you are strangers, friends or are in a relationship.
Can I use Report and Support to disclose something that happened to me outside of University?
Yes. Report and Support is available to all students, staff and visitors.
Can Report and Support help me if those responsible for the incident are not students or staff at the university?
It does not matter if the person responsible for what happened to you has got nothing to do with the university.
Can Report and Support offer counselling or therapy?
No, Report and Support cannot offer counselling nor therapy.
Do I have to repeat what I wrote in my disclosure when I meet with an advisor from the Report and Support team?
No, that is not necessary.
Do I need to register with a doctor's surgery near the university?
We advise all students to register at a doctor's surgery close to their term-time address.
Do you have a wheelchair that I can borrow?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide wheelchairs to students.
Does the University provide any childcare services?
The university does not provide childcare services, however there is support available to students who have childcare responsibilities.
How can I access counselling support?
Our counselling team is here to help and support you with any issue that's having an impact on you reaching your full potential.
How can I access mental health support?
Student Wellbeing Services have a whole range of mental health support available- from appointments to drop-ins to online resources.
How can I get a Greenwich Inclusion Plan?
Students who have a disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term medical condition, and/or mental health condition can register with the Student Wellbeing Service for a Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP).
How can I get help for my disability, medical condition or learning needs without evidence?
Without evidence speak to Wellbeing who can explain what you need and how to get help.
How can I get help with extenuating circumstances evidence due to my mental health?
If you have a Greenwich Inclusion Plan, please use this as evidence for your claim. If you do not have a Greenwich Inclusion Plan, please seek evidence from an independent medical professional.
How do I apply for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)?
You can apply for DSA at any stage of your course and you can apply online at gov.uk.
How do I book an appointment with Wellbeing?
This will depend on what support you are looking to get from us.
How do I book my Disabled Student Allowance needs assessment?
Instructions on how to do this will be on the DSA eligibility letter (DSA1) that you will receive.
How do I claim back the £200 for my DSA IT equipment?
You may be eligible to claim this cost back through the Greenwich Hardship Fund.
How do I get a Greenwich Inclusion plan (GIP)?
If you are a current student at the university, the Student Wellbeing Service can support you with your disability related needs.
How do I get a lift key?
Lift passes are available to students who are registered with the Student Wellbeing Service.
How do I get a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan?
If you require a PEEP, our Safety Unit will meet with you to discuss your needs.
How do I get a radar key?
If you are registered with the Student Wellbeing Service and would like to request a key, please email wellbeing@gre.ac.uk
How do I get help for my disability?
Our Wellbeing team can support you in getting as many reasonable adjustments for your uni life as you need.
How do I get mental health support?
We have a range of support available to students who would like to speak with someone about their mental wellbeing. Please note: we do not offer a mental health emergency or crisis service, which is provided by statutory National Health Services (NHS).
How do I get wellbeing support as an international student?
You should go and speak to our Student Wellbeing Service as soon as you can.
How do I register with a dentist?
To find your local services, enter your postcode on the NHS website.
How do I register with a GP?
To find your local services, enter your postcode on the NHS website.
How do I reschedule my student wellbeing appointment?
All you need to do is create an enquiry with your new availability
How do I save my Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP)?
Click on the three vertical dots on the top right of the window and then click on 'Print'. Change destination to 'Save as PDF', choose the location you want to save the GIP to and then save your GIP as a document
How do I use my Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP) for ECs?
You can use your Greenwich Inclusion Plan to apply for a 14-day extension through an Extenuating Circumstance (EC) claim.
How long will it take for the Report and Support team to contact me if I choose to 'disclose with details'?
If you choose to disclose an incident with details, the Report and Support team will contact you within two working days.
How much information do I have to give if reporting an incident?
Give us full details if you're informing us anonymously, particularly if you want us to do something about it. If you'd rather speak to a Report and Support advisor pass us your contact details.
I have been experiencing problems with my mental health
You may wish to speak with one of our Student Wellbeing Coordinators.
I need emergency medical attention for an injury or illness, what do I do?
If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 999.
I need exam arrangements due to a disability or specific learning difficulty
Our Student Wellbeing Service can support you if you need adjustments to be put in place.
I need help with arranging my Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) support, what do I do?
All you need to do is use the contact details on your DSA letter to arrange your support with your approved suppliers.
I need to talk to a mental health support person now.
Our Student Assistance Programme can offer you in the moment support. You can speak to someone 24/7, 365 days of the year.
I previously submitted an anonymous report but I now want to speak to a Student Services Advisor. Do I need to submit a new disclosure?
No, you do not need to submit a new disclosure.
I submitted an anonymous disclosure via Report and Support and nothing has happened, why is this?
If you would like direct formal action to be taken by the University, please submit a 'Speak to an Advisor form, or else we are limited in our response.
I think I have ADHD, what do I do?
We can offer a free screening to current students at the university for ADHD and other specific learning difficulties (SpLD).
I think I have ADHD/autism/dyslexia/dyscalculia, what do I do?
If you think that you might have a specific learning difficulty, we can offer you a free screening where you can get an indication if this is likely.
I think I have been bullied or harassed. What do I do?
If you think you have been affected by bullying or harassment, it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel.
I think I have been discriminated against. What do I do?
If you think you have been discriminated against, it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel.
I think I have experienced a hate incident/crime. What do I do?
If you think you have been affected by a hate incident/crime, it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel.
I think I have experienced sexual misconduct. What do I do?
If you think you have been affected by sexual misconduct, it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel.
I think someone I know has been bullied or harassed. What do I do?
If you think someone you know has been bullied or harassed, there are lots of ways in which you can help them.
I think someone I know has been discriminated against. What do I do?
If you think someone you know has been discriminated against, there are lots of ways in which you can help them.
I think someone I know has experienced a hate incident/crime. What do I do?
If you think someone you know has experienced a hate incident/crime, there are lots of ways in which you can help them.
I think someone I know has experienced sexual misconduct. What do I do?
If you think someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct, there are lots of ways in which you can help them.
I want to report something however I'm not sure what exactly happened to me. Can I still disclose the incident?
Of course you can! It can be very difficult to fully understand what happened to you.
I want to study online due to a long term disability
Disabled students requiring alternative study will need to be registered with the Student Wellbeing Service and have an active Greenwich Inclusion Plan.
I want to use Report and Support but I'm worried about someone entering the room. Is there a "Leave Site" option?
Yes, there is. If you click on the menu option in the top right corner, you can quickly leave the Report and Support website.
If I ask to speak to a Report and Support advisor, will the university launch an investigation or formal complaint, or tell the police?
We appreciate that disclosing an incident can feel quite overwhelming.
If I disclose an incident via Report and Support, who decides what happens next?
You decide - apart from cases where we might identify a concern that needs to be escalated under our Safeguarding Policy.
I'm a postgraduate student - how can my supervisors accommodate my Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP)?
If you've met with our wellbeing team and have Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP) in place, your supervisors will be able to access it internally.
I'm an apprentice and may need extra support for my learning - what am I eligible for?
Please discuss this with our Student Wellbeing Service to best advise you.
Is Report and Support available 24/7 or outside of office hours?
No, Report and Support is not a 24h service.
Is Report and Support part of Student Wellbeing Services?
No, the Report and Support Team is part of Information, Advice and Participation Services (within Student & Academic Services).
Is there a first aid room?
For non-urgent medical issues, we do have first aid rooms available on each campus. The easiest way to contact a first aider is by phoning security.
Is there a fridge I can use to store my medication?
We have fridges available on our campuses if you need to store your medication. These are usually found within our First Aid rooms.
Is there a quiet space for disabled students?
We have designated spaces on each campus where you can go if you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of campus life.
I've had a screening with the university, who do I contact for a full diagnostic assessment?
You can seek an assessment from a psychologist of your own choice.
My friends and I want to report the same person, are we able to do this together?
Yes, you can.
My GP is asking for payment for medical evidence, I cannot afford this, what do I do?
If you are asked to provide medical evidence to the university, you may be able to claim back the costs of any medical expenses you incur.
What can I do if I think a student may be missing?
If you have serious worries you should speak to the police or you can ask our wellbeing department to look into it for you.
What can the Report and Support Team help me with?
There are many things the Report and Support Team can help you with.
What do I do with my medical care plan?
Please provide us with a care plan to assist first aiders in an emergency.
What happens if I am accused of unacceptable behaviour?
It can be very distressing if allegations of unacceptable behaviour have been made against you.
What happens if I can't remember the name of my Student Wellbeing Service Coordinator?
You can easily be given the name by contacting our Student Wellbeing Service.
What happens if I report someone through Report and Support
If you provide enough information regarding the incident, an investigation may be put in place and the person you reported will be asked to respond to the allegations.
What if the Report and Support team don't believe me because I don't have any evidence of the incident?
It is normal to worry about evidence or not being believed.
What is a Hate Incident/Crime
It isn't always easy to identify a hate incident or a hate crime.
What is Bullying and Harassment?
It can be hard to identify bullying and harassment.
What is Discrimination?
It isn't always easy to identify discrimination. Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably for a reason related to a protected characteristic.
What is Sexual Misconduct?
It isn't always easy to identify sexual misconduct.
What is the point of completing an anonymous form via Report and Support if no formal action is taken?
Anonymous disclosures, even with no action taken, is incredibly useful as it allows us to identify trends that happen in our community.
What reporting options will Report and Support provide if I disclose an incident?
Your reporting options will vary based on the specificities of each case.
What should I do if I feel lonely?
Feeling lonely is a common experience for many students. There are a number of services out there that can support you if you're feeling lonely.
What should I do if I need medical evidence and can't get a GP's appointment?
We understand that it can sometimes be difficult to get a doctor's appointments so will accept other forms of medical evidence.
What support can I get if I'm estranged from my family?
Our Student Engagement & Success Team will be there for you when others can't.
What support can I get if I'm pregnant?
You can get support through your faculty. It is important you speak with your personal tutor.
What support can the Report and Support Team provide?
Experiencing any form of harassment can be very distressing and have an impact on different aspects of your personal, social, and academic life.
What support is available for disabled students?
We are here to support your studies if you have a disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term medical condition and/or mental health condition.
What support is available if I have been bullied or harassed?
It can feel quite isolating if you have experienced any form of bullying or harassment.
What support is available if I have been discriminated against?
It can feel quite isolating if you have experienced any form of discrimination.
What support is available if I have experienced a hate incident/crime?
It can feel quite isolating if you have experienced any form of hate incident or crime.
What support is available if I have experienced sexual misconduct?
It can feel quite isolating if you have experienced any form of sexual misconduct.
What's the process if I need to have an operation?
As your operation or recovery may keep you away from uni for some time talk to your faculty's retention and success officer.
Where can I meet my support worker on campus?
If you have a support worker helping you with your studies, you are able to meet with them wherever you feel comfortable.
Where is the Report and Support office?
Report and Support does not have a physical office space that you can visit or show up to.
Who can disclose an incident via Report and Support?
Anyone can disclose an incident via Report and Support, whether they are a student, staff member, or a visitor to the University.
Who can help a friend I'm worried about?
There is out of hours support available should you or a friend need it.
Who can help me get the exam arrangements I need?
Speak to your faculty exams office about this as it shouldn't have happened if you have an approved Greenwich Inclusion Plan.
Who can help me with my dyslexia?
Our Student Wellbeing Service are the people to ask for support with dyslexia and any other specific learning difficulty.
Who can help me with my housing issue?
Our Students' Union (SU) webpage features advice and guidance to support you through a range of housing issues.
Who can help me with my mental health emergency?
Get medical help fast by ringing 999 if someone is experiencing a mental health emergency and cannot keep themselves safe from harm. If it's not an emergency call 111 for professional health advice.
Who can help me with my mental health?
Our specialist team of Student Wellbeing Practitioners and Coordinators can support you.
Who can help with my medical condition?
You can register with Student Wellbeing Services.
Who can I ask about my child who's studying at the University of Greenwich?
We'll need your child to consent to us speaking to you about them first.
Who can I contact if I need mental health support after an incident on placement?
You may wish to speak with one of the Student Wellbeing Coordinators for support with or speak to your personal tutor.
Who can I speak to if I've been affected by someone's recent death?
Each campus has trained counsellors you can talk to about how your feeling.
Who can use Report and Support?
Report and Support can be used by any student, staff or visitor to the University.
Who do I contact for a full diagnostic assessment?
We may be able to help refer you for a full diagnostic assessment with an Educational Psychologist.
Who do I need to tell that I'm pregnant?
If you'd like support to finish your degree it's here for you.
Who should I speak to if I'm worried about a fellow apprentice?
Talk to any member of staff if you're worried about somebody.
Who will be told about my disclosure to Report and Support? Is it confidential?
Unless we believe there is a need to share information to keep you and others safe, no one else will be informed of your disclosure.
Why do you keep the Student Wellbeing Service office door closed?
We keep our office door closed to ensure our students have full confidentiality.
Will I be in trouble if I tell Report and Support that I was drunk/intoxicated when the incident happened?
We are not here to judge or tell you off. If you experience any form of harassment, it is never your fault.
Will I meet with the Report and Support Team online, in person or over the phone?
We can meet online via Microsoft Teams, over the phone, or in person.
Will Report and Support tell my parents?
Your disclosure to us is confidential.
Will Report and Support tell my personal tutor/department what has happened?
We will not automatically inform your personal tutor or department unless we identify a serious concern under our Safeguarding Policy.
Will the Report and Support Team tell me that it was my fault?
No, never! The Report and Support Team is not there to judge or tell you off.
What support can I get while I'm studying abroad?
While abroad, you can access all the same support as if you were studying at home.
How can I view my Greenwich Inclusion Plan
How to view a GIP
Who will know I am accessing mental health and / or counselling support from Student Wellbeing Service?
Information on confidentiality within the Student Wellbeing Service and how information is shared and who with.